
Ultrasonic spot welding technique and its application in the lithium-ion battery manufacturing

  • 摘要: 文中主要介绍了超声波点焊技术较电阻点焊和激光焊接的优点、焊接设备、焊接机理及超声波点焊在锂电池制造中的研究现状,详细阐述了影响超声波点焊接头宏观特征、微观组织及力学性能的关键因素。为了提高超声波点焊接头质量的鲁棒性,实时监控器和球面形的焊头是解决此问题的两种有效途径,但还存在较多未解决的问题。文章还针对如何进一步提高超声波点焊接头质量的鲁棒性提出了一些观点。


    Abstract: In this paper,advantages of ultrasonic spot welding were introduced,in comparison with that of resistance spot welding and laser welding. And its welding equipment,welding mechanism and investigation status in the lithium-ion battery manufacturing were demonstrated.Meanwhile,the key effects on the macroscopic appearance,microstructure and mechanical properties were systematically illustrated. To obtain the sound robustness and good quality of ultrasonic spot welded joint,a real-time controller and a new tool geometry design for the sonotrode were effective methods,but numerous unsolved issues existed. In addition,some perceptions on how to further enhance the process robustness of ultrasonic spot welded joint were proposed in this paper.


