
Research progress on welding technology of Mg/Al dissimilar metal

  • 摘要: 镁、铝化学活性强、极易被氧化、热传导率和线膨胀系数较大,在镁/铝异种金属焊接过程中会导致金属间化合物的生成和气孔、裂纹等缺陷的产生,这都对其接头的组织和性能有重要影响。该文从固相焊、熔焊、钎焊三方面综述了近年来镁/铝异种金属的焊接工艺,论述了各个工艺及其改型工艺的焊接机理及参数优化,归纳了控制镁/铝金属间化合物形成和改善其组织分布的方法;与此同时,对镁/铝异种金属焊接领域的发展方向进行了展望,评述其下一步应重点关注的内容,为后续镁/铝异种金属焊接研究提供了一定的理论基础和技术支撑。


    Abstract: Magnesium and aluminum have strong chemical activity, easy oxidation, high thermal conductivity and a linear expansion coefficient. During welding of Mg/Al dissimilar metal, it will lead to formation of intermetallic compounds (IMCs) and defects such as pores and cracks, which has an important impact on microstructure and mechanical properties of welded joints. In this paper, welding technology of Mg/Al dissimilar metal in recent years is reviewed from solid phase welding, fusion welding and brazing. Welding mechanism and parameter optimization of each process and their modified technologies are discussed, and methods to control formation of Mg/Al intermetallic compounds and improve their microstructure distribution are summarized. At the same time, it puts forward prospect of Mg/Al dissimilar metal welding, and comment on the contents that should be focused on in the next step. It provides a certain theoretical basis and technical support for the subsequent research of Mg/Al dissimilar metal welding.


