
Microstructures and properties of laser welded TC4 sheet alloy by superplastic forming

  • 摘要: 对1mm厚Ti6A14V钛合金薄板进行了激光焊接工艺试验,研究结果表明:激光焊配合修饰焊工艺获得成形均匀和质量良好的接头,且焊缝内部无气孔、裂纹等缺陷。接头焊缝区组织以针状α'马氏体相为主,热影响区组织分为粗晶区和细晶区,粗晶区包含较多的针状马氏体,细晶区则为板条状α相+少量针状马氏体;接头硬度由母材区到焊缝区呈逐渐增高趋势,焊缝区显微硬度最高,为371HV。薄板TC4钛合金激光焊接头拉伸强度与基材相当,断后伸长率略低于母材,接头横弯弯曲角度略低于母材,弯曲断裂于母材侧。


    Abstract: The laser welding process of 1 mm thick TC4 titanium alloy sheet was conducted.The results showed that the uniform and good-quality joints were obtained by laser welding with modification welding,and there were no pores and cracks in the joint.The microstructures of fusion zone were mainly consisted ofα'acicular martensite.The microstructures in heat affected zone were divided into coarse grain zone and fine grain zone.The fine grain zone contains more acicularα'martensite,and coarse grain zone was composed of lath-shaped α + acicular α'martensite phases.The microhardness of the joint was gradually increased from base metal to fusion zone which presented the highest microhardness,about 371 HV.The laser welded joints had the equivalent strength to that of the base metal.But the elongation of the joint was slightly lower than that of the base metal.The bending angle of the joints was slightly lower than that of the base metal and the fracture occured in the base metal side.


